Dr. David Prentice of the Charlotte Lozier Institute says the Chinese researchers have proposed – but have not begun – using artificial intelligence to raise fetuses in artificial wombs.
“And they really want to gestate them all the way to birth,” he says, “in what amounts to some fancy vats.”
Why are the scientists doing this? According to Prentice, China’s authoritarian government sees an opportunity to control its people even before they are born into the communist-run country.

“Probably for a couple of reasons,” Prentice observes. “One because they aborted a lot of their babies over the last decades and now they're realizing that wasn't a good thing to do. And they're hoping, as one person from China put it, to come up with a way to grow babies faster and easier and cheaper.”
The idea is not limited to China. In Israel, a researcher there grew mouse embryos to about half-gestation before destroying them. Once he published the experiment, he acknowledged he wants to do it with humans, too.