Gender mutilation surgery for adults is controversial by itself but far more controversial is providing puberty blockers and performing life-altering surgery on children who are not mature enough to make a life-changing decision.
Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute tells American Family News a group of French medical and psychological professionals have published an open letter on the subject, which she says sends a “very powerful” statement about so-called gender reassignment for children.

“And what they're trying to do is to call attention to the fact that what we're doing here is long-run crazy,” she says, “and that we're convincing children to do something that is really not possible.”
In fact, honest medical professionals admittedly don't even know what the long-range consequences will be and hence the letter states in part, “We denounce the abduction of childhood.”
The group is also suggesting that naysayers at some point will wake up and realize the damage that has been done to children but by then it will be much too late.