Forewarning: Don't be blindsided by 'Wicked' content

Forewarning: Don't be blindsided by 'Wicked' content

Forewarning: Don't be blindsided by 'Wicked' content

The musical/sci-fi/fantasy movie "Wicked" hit America's theaters just before Thanksgiving. While it has obviously been a financial success for Universal Pictures, a family advocacy group is alerting parents about some of the content in the film.

After only three weeks in theaters, "Wicked: Part 1" – a backstory of sorts for "The Wizard of Oz" – ranks among the top moneymakers for 2024, currently ranking fourth ($359M) and closely trailing #3 ("Despicable Me 4," another Universal Pictures production).

Despite the film's popularity, OneMillionMoms.com (1MM) is warning families that the musical adaptation has a "tremendous amount of witchcraft and sorcery." PluggedIn.com has similar concerns. 1MM also reports Universal Pictures has inserted some cross-dressing men who are "crushing" on other men.

"Parents need to be forewarned [also about] the not-so-subtle wokeness that is being pushed onto families," says Monica Cole with 1MM. "They're supposed to have a part 2 of this particular film, and the rumor [according to] the stars of the musical is there'll be more of this LGBTQ content."

Cole, Monica

OneMillionMoms is asking parents to alert others who haven't seen the movie so they're not "blindsided" by the LGBTQ content should they decide to watch it.

"Of course, with the name 'Wicked' there's already warning, as far as for conservative and Christian families, that there's obviously witchcraft and sorcery [and] evil," she tells AFN. "It's a dark film – but with this extra layer of non-family friendly entertainment, we wanted to ask our supporters to also sign our pledge."

That pledge, she explains, asks supporters to sign saying they're not going to support "Wicked: Part 1" – and even if they've already seen Part 1, to commit to not watching "Wicked: Part 2."

"The pledge is letting Universal Pictures know that our families will not be supporting Universal Pictures [and] that they have lost our trust," Cole concludes.