Political party that warned Trump is Hitler now telling you what is 'weird'

Political party that warned Trump is Hitler now telling you what is 'weird'

Pictured: MSNBC analyst Molly Jong-Fast

Political party that warned Trump is Hitler now telling you what is 'weird'

The left-wing enemies of Donald Trump have lots of non-complimentary descriptions of him, from he’s a racist to he is literally Hitler, but a new Democrat talking point is a strange one: He is weird.

The “weird” accusation about the Trump-Vance ticket, which emerged last week, is likely a direct line of attack from the Democratic National Committee. An eye-opening video posted to X shows prominent Democrats, from Kamala Harris to MSNBC anchors, suddenly dropping “weird” in their speeches, political analysis, and live interviews.

On CNN and MSNBC, the word “weird” was used more than 150 times over just two days, reported Tom Elliot, a journalist and founder of the Grabien news video service.

Vance is 'weird' and up is down

The accusation of "weird" seemed to be directed mostly at Vance, the first-term Ohio U.S. senator who emerged as Trump's running mate in mid-June.

At the RNC convention, Vance was praised for appealing to working-class Americans thanks to his own personal struggles with poverty and with dealing with an addicted mother.

"To the people of Middletown, Ohio, and all the forgotten communities in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio, and every corner of our nation, I promise you this," Vance said during his convention speech. "I will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from.”

Six weeks later, the talking point now is the married father of three children is somehow a weirdo for praising child-rearing and for making fun of miserable "childless cat ladies" in the Democratic Party. 

Reacting to Vance's comments for an MSNBC panel, political analyst Molly Jong-Fast (pictured above) claimed Vance wants more "white children" born in America, even though Vance's own children are biracial. 

Tom Zawistowski, an Ohio-based conservative activist, tells AFN he is not surprised Democrats are coming after Vance. He is doing well on the campaign trail, and in media interviews, because he is a "normal guy" and the opposite of strange or weird.

Democrats are trying really hard to attack Vance, he concludes, "because they're desperate, because they're behind, because they don't have any policies to run." 

Minn. governor first used 'weird' label

If the “weird” accusation did come from the DNC, Don Irvine of Accuracy in Media says Democrats are sure getting desperate.

“If that's the best they've got at this point in time, they're in trouble,” he tells AFN.

Bill D'Agostino, of the Media Research Center, says the “weird” label is a childish political attack but he says nobody should be surprised at this point it’s coming from Democrats.

“The reason it sounds juvenile,” he tells AFN, “is because it's an attack that was cooked up by a bunch of juvenile people and meant to track with juvenile people who are listening.”

In a related Washington Examiner story, Byron York tracked the first use of the “weird” label to Gov. Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota. Waltz first called both Trump and Vance “weird” in an MSNBC interview, York pointed out.

Waltz “just happens” to be on Harris’ short list for a vice president running mate, York also pointed out.

Waltz is also making headlines this week for a bizarre comment about socialism. "Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values," Gov. Waltz told a "White Dudes for Harris" call Monday night. "One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness."

Waltz, who could be Harris' vice presidential nominee, was blasted on social media for calling state ownership of all property, business, and income "neighborliness." 

Back in the Washington Examiner article, York said he suspects the DNC talking points pivoted from Joe Biden’s warning voters about Trump and Vance to Harris mocking them.

“As a whole, on cue,” York wrote, “the Democratic Party changed the focus of the campaign from saving democracy to saying the other side has cooties. That was an extraordinary decision, to say the least.”