A member of Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe's team has confirmed that Disney continues to actively work to expose children to LGBTQ ideology.
Specifically, Disney's creative marketing director Amit Gurnani, a drag queen, was caught on camera saying the company formerly known for its family entertainment will continue to prioritize anti-family content and groom children.
"It's the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content," Gurnani said in the video released online July 3. "Bob Iger is not axing LGBTQ content at all. I'd love to get a drag queen at Disneyland… I'm sure that would happen at some point."
Aaron DiPietro, legislative affairs director with Florida Family Voice, formerly Florida Family Policy Council, says this is not shocking whatsoever.
"A lot of the moves that Disney has made recently to kind of cover up some of this have been in response to the massive losses they've had both financially and physically across the board," he submits.
But when an organization is so entrenched in the special interests of the activists who are taking it over, he says nothing short of a complete renovation is necessary.

"A complete restructuring of the entire corporate structure has to happen before you even have any possibility of having any turnaround," DiPietro tells AFN. "Right now, CEO Bob Iger has made clear that they are not going to be doing any major changes to be able to protect and respect the rights of parents to be able to teach their children on these important critical issues."
Speaking as a new father, he says he and his wife will be scrutinizing their daughter's entertainment, and he thinks parents need to be more engaged.
"The hearts and minds of young children are too precious to just leave to random entertainment that comes across their pathways," DiPietro contends.
LifeSiteNews.com points out that Disney has reportedly lost a billion dollars on just four of its recent films.
The company recognizes its "misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment, travel, and consumer products … impact demand for [its] entertainment offerings and products and … profitability."
Still, it remains committed to "efforts to achieve social goals," including the further mainstreaming of the LGBTQ agenda.