Disney accused of delighting in worse things than made-up pronouns

Disney accused of delighting in worse things than made-up pronouns

Disney accused of delighting in worse things than made-up pronouns

Tradition-hating Disney keeps ignoring its loss of audience and revenue, this time by featuring a Star Wars animated character with made-up pronouns.

An episode of "Tales of the Empire,” which runs on Disney Plus, features a character who identifies as non-binary, which means neither male nor female. That means the character is referred to as “they/them" in order to affirm his-her identity. 

Disney’s sneaky activism went viral thanks to Libs of TikTok, the X channel, which posted a 50-second clip in which the Jedi character is struck dead by a villain.

"They're still alive,” another character pleads with villain. “We need to get them to the ship. We can save them.”

“Forget it,” the villain replies. “Let them die."

Tom Snyder, an editor with MovieGuide, says nobody should be surprised at Disney's decision after a Disney executive openly vowed the audience would see more LGBT characters in its children's show.

“Unfortunately, or I should say sadly, some parents if not many parents go along with this kind of thing,” he says, “in order to be seen as tolerant and nice.”

Citing a Bible verse, specifically First Corinthians 13:6, Synder says love does not delight in evil but “rejoices” with truth.

“And the truth is that there are only two sexes, male and female,” he says.