"Pauline," a live-action German series about an 18-year-old girl who gets pregnant after a one-night stand with the devil, has been given the green light, though production has not yet begun.
Monica Cole of One Million Moms says the show is "attempting to make an intimate relationship with Satan appealing and exciting," and she cannot think of a worse influence on kids than the devil himself.
"It's unimaginable why anyone would think this would be a great idea," Cole comments. "It's completely irresponsible for Disney+ to even consider it, much less have the green light to start production on it."
Disney, whose entire existence until recent years was aimed at entertaining children, has not yet released a rating on the show.

"The satanic and demonic content is a huge concern, because any child, any viewer can stumble across it, and it's portraying Satan in a positive light," notes Cole.
She goes on to argue that that is not an oversight, as Disney has unapologetically joined the cult of corrupting kids with LGBTQ+ indoctrination.
"The children are being targeted because they know if they can brainwash them at a younger age, it makes it much easier for them to have them follow a particular agenda as they grow up," the One Million Moms director explains.
Her organization, which is a division of the American Family Association, is asking anyone who is concerned to join them in petitioning Disney+ to kill the program "immediately."
"This is something that One Million Moms is wanting to get ahead of," Cole says.
More than 18,000 people have already signed the petition.
Original headline was revised