Not much has changed among Democrats and the media in Washington, DC, since then-CNN commentator Donna Brazile was caught in 2016 giving advance notice to the Hillary Clinton campaign about the questions that were to about to come up in a debate between her and then-GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.
According to Gary Bauer of American Values, mainstream media reporters are still providing their questions to the Biden White House so his team can craft politically expedient answers for an easily confused president. Then, as scripted, only those reporters and questions are called on during a press conference.

"There is no press conference during this presidency at the White House. This is just for show," Bauer tells AFN. "He's been given the list of who to call on and he's been given the questions they're going to ask – and there is almost never a follow-up question."
Bauer offers up a recent example, when Biden was asked last Wednesday about the chances of Republicans investigating his son, Hunter, if they get control of the House:
Biden: "Lots of luck in your senior year, as my coach used to say. I think the American people will look at all that for what it is – almost comedy."
Bauer contends that was all a setup: "The purpose of that exchange was to get the president laughing at the idea that there would be anything to investigate his son about," he says.
Just yesterday, Biden may have gone off script when he responded to a reporter's question, concluding with: "I'm not going to get into anymore questions. I shouldn't even have answered your question."
According to Bauer, it's not just Biden who is inept at answering tough questions. The rest of the president's Cabinet, he says, is equally bad. "They are all just pitiful," he laments. "This is the weakest, most outrageously incompetent Cabinet that I've ever seen in modern American history."