The death of Queen Elizabeth II has dominated the news cycles of late with family reunions, funeral processions, church services – and lots and lots of commentary. Curtis Houck of Media Research Center says the mainstream media in the U.S. isn't accustomed to delivering straight news, so it's going with what it knows.

"Because they're stuck covering the royals, they've been trying to find angles to work their woke worldview into things," Houck tells AFN. "Of course, what they found is racism – so they go to racism, cries of colonialism, cries of slavery."
But the interchange doesn't always go the way the media "experts" think it should. Case in point: MSNBC host Ali Velshi tried to school British historian Andrew Roberts on the evils of British colonialism, saying it was steeped in "violence, theft, and slavery."
Velshi: "Hold on. Are you really denying what I just said about British colonialism? Are you really doing that, Andrew? Are you really doing that? Andrew! Andrew! Andrew, this is not a propaganda show."
Roberts: "I'm certainly taking issue with your remarks about slavery, which we abolished 32 years before you did – and we didn't have to kill 600,000 people in the Civil War over it."
Houck says he's seen it before. "The media, again, parachute into the story and they try to become experts [because] they think they know more than everybody else does," he observes. "They cannot stand it that somebody so mild-mannered who's not part of their clique is schooling them on the facts."
In another example of the mainstream "going with what it knows" – this one reported by Fox News – CNN's international anchor Christiane Amanpour took the opportunity only days after the queen's death to demand that King Charles III address what she called Britain's "colonial legacy," suggesting the "idea of reparations" must be discussed because "the wealth of this empire was derived on the back of the people of their empire."