Anticipating that the economy would contract in the second quarter, the White House has tried to get in front of the news for the last week by claiming that two negative quarters in a row do not, in fact, make a recession. Right on cue, the mainstream media started parroting the talking point.
The economy did flirt with a recession during the Trump administration in 2019, but the media did not claim at that time that "one way that people define a recession is not the official definition of a recession." They maintained that the official definition of a recession was "two consecutive quarters of declining GDP."

According to Joseph Vazquez of Media Research Center (MRC), the double standard is "just par for the course for how the media has defended Biden with regards to his atrocious economic agenda since he first came into the office."
"Now that we've hit the practical definition of a recession, they're trying to gaslight everybody," Vazquez observes.
But he believes the American people have caught on to the deception.
"You cannot look the American people in the face and see all these economic hardships that they're facing, and then tell them with a straight face that we're not in a recession," Vazquez submits.
Despite the spin from the White House and their allies in the liberal media, MRC asserts that "the Biden recession is here and we're living through it."