Erin Smith of the First Liberty Institute is helping defend Heather Rooks' right to quote Bible verses during meetings. Smith argues that her client has the constitutional right to do so.
The board oversees the Peoria Unified School District just north of Phoenix.
"She is not asking any of the audience members to participate. In fact, this isn't something that audience members really can participate in. She is just quoting scripture, a short passage, usually, one to two verses."
Rooks began her term on the board in January of 2023.
During each meeting the agenda includes a time of brief “Board comments” from individual members.
Rooks generally begins her comments by quoting scripture.
Smith says the trouble began when the Freedom From Religion Foundation got wind of it and complained.
"The school board's legal counsel was the one that had instructed the board that they weren't to quote scripture in light of these unfounded threats by the Freedom From Religion Foundation."
Smith is hopeful that the judge comes to the right conclusion as a judge did with football coach Joseph Kennedy who prayed silently on the field following games in Bremerton, Washington.