Arthur Schaper of MassResistance says the Obergefell v. Hodges decision has done nothing but cause damage and wreak havoc on the nation, so his team is directly challenging it.
"This is one of the most egregious Supreme Court decisions that was imposed upon the country," he contends. "It attempted to redefine what is family and what is marriage."
He says Chief Justice Roberts and the other three justices who dissented at the time gave well-reasoned points.
"Justice Scalia pointed out how the Supreme Court was becoming a danger to democracy," Schaper notes. "Justice Thomas pointed out that the court redefined the very nature of liberty, making it sound as if it was the government's job or the government's authority to make us free, when the whole point of the Constitution is to put limits on the state, put limits on the government."
Justice Alito warned that the rights of those who did not support two men pretending to be married or two women pretending to be married would be trampled on – and they have been.

Schaper insists that redefining the fundamental institution of marriage has had devastating consequences, including the normalized grooming and perversion of public school students, an uptick in sexually transmitted diseases, the breakdown of the family, and an increased margin of mental health issues.
He says a big problem with the pro-family movement is "they tinker around the edges, or they fight the latest fight," but this "travesty" needs to be nipped in the bud.
"It is important to keep men out of women's sports; it is important to keep men out of women's bathrooms – I get that. But how did we end up in this mess?" he poses. "When you redefine the complimentary of the sexes when it comes to marriage, why does male and female even matter at all?"
He does not think anyone should be surprised by the "absolute disruption of male and female" since the 2015 decision.
"The marriage sacrament, the marriage institution officially fully enshrines what male and female are all about," says Schaper. "They are procreative and reproductive functions, and you cannot wipe that away and not expect to see all sorts of other problems ensue."
MassResistance, which has been sounding the alarm on this for over 20 years, has produced a documentary (view below) about the impacts of homosexual marriage. The organization is also circulating a resolution that urges the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the Obergefell ruling.
Lawmakers in Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Michigan. North Dakota, and Kansas have presented the measure, and Florida, Maine, Virginia, West Virginia, and deep-blue Massachusetts are considering it.
"We have got to take back the ground that was lost," Schaper insists.