Lisa Domski had worked for Blue Cross/Blue Shield for 30 years as an IT specialist when COVID hit. She had already been working mostly at home, but was 100% remote during the pandemic, when her employer mandated that all employees get the COVID shot. Domski asked for a religious exemption which was denied, so she sued.
Last Friday a federal jury in Detroit awarded her $12.7 million dollars.
She had worked with the company for 38 years as an IT specialist.
Domski’s lawyer Jon Marko told Fox News Digital his client’s remote work arrangement should have excluded her from the vaccine policy as she posed no risk to others.
Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel says the jury’s decision will make an impression on employers who don't accommodate someone's deeply held religious beliefs.
“It's about time a lot of these employers that abused individuals and did not grant any religious accommodation requests were held accountable.”
Liberty Counsel has several vaccine mandate cases in the pipeline, and Staver says this decision will help move them along.
Fast tracking other cases

“We anticipate those other cases that are still in the pipeline, I think more and more as these cases come down, they're all coming down on the side favoring employees, that the handwriting is on the wall and the dominoes are beginning to fall,” he said.
Staver says we're just beginning to see the effect the COVID mandates and restrictions had on our children, the economy and the mental health of all Americans.
“We've worked with so many people whose lives were shattered by employers that were callous, that clearly violated the individual worker's religious freedom rights, and now is the time of reckoning.”