'Jury still out' if judge willing to jail Trump to derail his campaign

'Jury still out' if judge willing to jail Trump to derail his campaign

'Jury still out' if judge willing to jail Trump to derail his campaign

Is there a possibility Donald Trump could spend much of his presidential campaign behind bars? That is entirely possible, say conservative activists, but it also poses a political danger for Trump's enemies.

With the two political conventions out of the way, normally the campaigns move into a crucial fall stretch heading to Election Day but there is a looming legal problem for Trump. He has a September 18 sentencing dating with Juan Merchan, the controversial New York judge, in the Manhattan hush money case conviction.

Many political observers predict the jury conviction for falsifying business records will ultimately be overturned but it probably won't be resolved until after the presidential election November 5.

Robert Knight Knight

Robert Knight, a Washington Times columnist, predicts most voters would realize the danger to the country if Trump is behind bars during his own campaign.

“They would see it as an act of a communist country jailing an opponent,” he predicts.

Gary Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families, says Trump’s political opponents – if they were honest – would prefer he go to prison, and die there, so he can’t fight their evil plans with a second term.

Bauer, Gary (American Values) Bauer

“The thing that will determine what the judge does,” Bauer predicts, “is what he and others believe will keep half of America that supports Donald Trump, and Donald Trump himself, out of power [and] out of the government."

Asked if he believes Trump will spend time behind bars, Knight says there is no way to predict what the other side is willing to do.

“I think the jury is still out,” she says, “as to whether they'll go that far and try to actually put him in jail.”