Pediatricians want to continue healing patients

Pediatricians want to continue healing patients

Pediatricians want to continue healing patients

A children's clinic in Mississippi is suing the Biden administration.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is representing McComb Children's Clinic, which objects to a rule change of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to change the definition of "sex" to include "gender identity."

Blake, Julie (ADF) Blake

"The Biden administration shouldn't force doctors to harm their patients by performing dangerous body-altering transition efforts that can have life-long consequences," argues ADF attorney Julie Marie Blake. "But a new rule from the federal government tries to make doctors do just that, even performing these so-called gender transitions on children. Doctors should be allowed to heal their patients; they should not be required to harm them."

The lawsuit is in the United District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi Western Division. ADF intends to ask the judge to issue prompt relief for the clinic as the Biden administration seeks to transform the entire U.S. medical system for the worse.

"They are claiming that doctors who heal have to hurt," Blake reiterates. "What they say is that if a doctor uses medication to treat precocious puberty, they will be forced to prescribe puberty blockers for gender dysphoria. If a doctor will perform a mastectomy to treat breast cancer, they will also be required to perform mastectomies on healthy women who just want to appear like men."

Blake adds that everyone in the medical field will be required to agree with and say that men can become pregnant and give birth or to use inaccurate pronouns and say that a girl is a boy.

Meanwhile, she points out that "none of this was ever passed by Congress in the Affordable Care Act, so, this new rule from the federal government should be swiftly stopped by the court."

ADF sued the Biden administration over a similar rule on behalf of Christian Employers Alliance in North Dakota and won that case on religious freedom grounds. The Christian legal advocacy group has at least two other similar cases pending.