Abigail Southerland of the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), which represented the Minnesota seniors in this case, says the issue of has become widespread in recent years, but her organization has had much success in the battle against it.

"They had recently moved into what was a brand-new apartment complex. And while they were permitted to hold the Bible study, they were told that, unlike everyone else, they could not advertise the Bible study, and they could not use the public board announcements to advertise the Bible study," Southerland details.
The apartment complex even confiscated a blackboard that let others know about the meetings.
"In response to that, we leapt into action and issued a demand letter," the attorney relays. "The apartment complex's actions violate … very clear federal law … called the Fair Housing Act (FHA), which prohibits apartment complexes from discriminating based on religious beliefs."
ACLJ's letter demanded that action be taken to correct this discriminatory policy, and as a result, the living facility instituted a new resident calendar that will feature all events, including the Bible study, and the group's fliers are now officially allowed on the new community bulletin board.
Southerland notes that the FHA does not just apply to individuals' religious rights; it prohibits a wide array of discrimination. She advises others to pay attention when people's religious rights are being violated.
In February, ACLJ published a related article to help residents of senior living centers and other housing facilities to know their rights.