The Center for Reproductive Rights, a New York-based abortion advocacy organization, is suing the state of Texas to expand its legal exceptions for abortion. The case, Zurawski v. Texas, was brought by two Texas OBGYNs and some patients who claim they were denied abortions when facing "severe and dangerous pregnancy complications."
The Heartbeat Act and the Human Life Protection Act allow abortions only in very rare situations where the pregnancy presents a substantial risk of severe bodily impairment or could potentially take the mother's life.

Amy O'Donnell, communications director at Texas Alliance for Life, says, "Our hearts go out to the women, but we will keep doing everything that we need to do to protect life and keep any weakening exceptions from being added on to our laws in Texas."
"It's unfortunate that the Center for Reproductive Rights is using these women's truly heartbreaking stories to try to gain political ground to increase the number of abortions that can happen in the state of Texas beyond what the legislature allows," O'Donnell adds.
80 House representatives and 10 senators have filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the constitutionality of the state's pro-life laws, and the Texas Alliance for Life still has people calling in to add their names to the brief.
"We are thrilled that not only would our legislators work to protect life, but they will keep standing firm in this area not to allow any weakening exceptions in our pro-life laws," O'Donnell tells AFN.
The Texas Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on November 28th.