According to a poll conducted by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports, 53% of Democrats say they would do away with the current Supreme Court and replace it with a new, democratically-elected Supreme Court.
Also, 56% of Democrats believe the Supreme Court is "racist," 67% of Democrats say it is "sexist," and 64% of Democrats favor increasing the number of justices from 9 to 13.

"I think it's tragic that a major party in this country would have so many that would think it is a good idea to upend what is the envy of the free world, the Constitution of the United States, that calls for an independent but equal branch of our federal government to be just simply abolished," responds attorney Jeremy Dys of First Liberty Institute.
"Packing the court is one thing … but to call for the court to be completely abolished in a county that values freedom and the rule of law is just simply shocking," he adds.
In addition to criticizing Trump-nominated Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, Democrats say the court has become politicized. But as Dys points out, electing justices would not make it any less politicized.
"It certainly would make the Supreme Court far more politicized if we're turning it into a political court that has to run for office like we see the president and the Congress do," the attorney asserts. "Just see how much more politicized those two branches of government have become in recent years."
Dys explains that the founders envisioned a Supreme Court that was independent from the influence of the political process.
"They didn't have any kind of beholding to any political voter or background or any kind of interest group of any kind, but instead were able to stand apart from that and declare what the law actually is under our Constitution," says Dys. "That we would turn away from a system that has worked so beautifully for 200 and some-odd years -- just because the current leadership of the Democratic Party is disappointed at the outcomes of a few cases -- is just frightening."
The poll involved likely voters and was conducted July 6-7.
72% of Republicans view the Supreme Court "very" or "somewhat" favorably.