Coach Kennedy was fired from his job at Bremerton High School in 2015 for brief, private prayers following games. Kennedy's case against the Bremerton (Washington) School District began in September 2015 when he was informed via a letter from the district that his post-game prayers were being investigated for compliance with the school board's policy on "religious-related activities and practices."
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed lower courts' decisions favoring the school district, ruling that the coach's conduct was protected by the First Amendment. Thursday on American Family Radio, Kennedy said he's "assuming" he will return to the coaching ranks.
"It's the only thing I asked for – to be a coach again and to be able to thank God afterwards," said Kennedy. "My understanding of the court is that's exactly what they'll be doing, [and] I've been waiting for a phone call from the school district to be inviting me back."
Kennedy recognizes logistics will have to be worked out, but said he has faith and confidence that it will happen in exactly the time that it should. "I will go when I'm called," he stated.
During the interview, Kennedy shared that he decided in 2008 to start praying after games: "I watched 'Facing the Giants' – and just like in the movie, I made a commitment to God that I was going to give him thanks after every football game, win or lose."
Attorney Jeremy Dys of First Liberty Institute, the law firm representing Kennedy, was also on the program. The attorney explained that the question in the case was simple.

"It was whether or not a coach violates the Establishment Clause by taking a knee in private prayer for 15 to 30 seconds following a football game that he coaches," said Dys. "That was the central question before the court – and the answer to it has been a really great success by not only winning for Coach Kennedy but also for coaches and teachers all across the country, unlocking a lot of the freedoms that have otherwise been locked down by school districts across the country."
The high court's justices said it was not a violation, ruling was 6-3 in Kennedy's favor. Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion; dissenting were Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Stephen Breyer. Breyer officially retires from the Supreme Court at noon today (Thursday, June 30).