BREAKING NEWS …In testimony Friday, former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook stated that then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton approved the dissemination of materials alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump campaign and Russia. Read more… |
Attorney Michael Sussman is on trial this week for lying to the FBI about his involvement with Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. In September 2016 – more than a month before the election of Donald Trump as president – Sussman went to the FBI with information about alleged contact and conversations between the Russians and the Trump presidential campaign.
Sussman told the FBI that he was merely a concerned citizen; however, he was in fact a lawyer for Hillary Clinton's campaign, peddling claims the campaign knew were false and hoped would derail Trump's path to the White House.
Abraham Hamilton III, General Counsel for American Family Association, says Sussman and the Clinton campaign may have done several illegal things, but only one of them is on trial at the moment. "The trial … is not based on whether the information he provided is true or not. The trial is whether or not he lied regarding … his motive for sharing that information," he explains.

But as a former prosecuting attorney, Hamilton argues that all signs point to Sussman's guilt. "It seems pretty clear, if the evidence holds as Mr. Durham has represented in his prior pleadings, that Mr. Sussman will be convicted," he states. Durham is the Trump-era special counsel assigned by former Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Hamilton explains that Sussman could have avoided a trial if he would have simply rolled over on the people at the Clinton campaign. Sussman, to date, seems unwilling to do that, so the case is going to trial.
"This seems to always happen with the Clinton crime family, the Clinton crime syndicate," Hamilton offers: "they seem to always have these loyal sycophants who are willing to take the fall."
In a related story earlier today on Fox News, legal analyst and attorney Jonathan Turley suggested that prosecutors in the Sussmann trial are facing a "nightmare" with a jury pool made up of several Clinton donors. Turley cited the following example: the judge turned down a motion to dismiss a juror whose daughter is actually playing on the same team with the daughter of Sussmann.
"I think for the prosecutors, it seems like the only thing that is missing on the jury is Chelsea Clinton," Turley said. "A jury of your peers is not supposed to mean other Clinton people."
On Thursday, the prosecution's star witness – James Baker, the FBI's general counsel in September 2016 – testified he was "100% confident" Sussmann told him he wasn't acting on behalf of a particular client when he presented information allegedly linking the Trump campaign to Russia.