A United Kingdom Privy Council, which is the final court of appeals for several island nations in the Caribbean, has ruled that homosexual marriage will not be forced on Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

"We shouldn't have the courts superimposing these incredibly important social and cultural policy issues onto the people," submits Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel. "Marriage is the union of one man and one woman -- That is historically true. It's also empirically true, and I'm pleased to see that Bermuda and the Cayman Islands are able to continue with their marriage policy into the future."
Considering that the U.S. Supreme Court forced the legalization of same-gender marriage on America in recent years, Staver admits that the UK Privy Council ruling is "surprising" and calls it "a good result."
"A lot of times what you see is that these courts, particularly these United Kingdom courts, they want to superimpose their own ideology in place of their own local constitutions or other national constitutions that they're dealing with," he observes. "Fortunately in this case, that didn't happen."
Leonardo Raznovich, an attorney representing a lesbian couple in the lawsuit, is quoted as saying he was also shocked by the ruling.