This happened in the Deerfield (Illinois) Public Schools District during a physical education class, according to multiple news outlets.
The girl’s mother, Nicole Georges, has filed a civil rights complaint with The Justice Department, hoping for some relief from the federal level. It’s unclear how much help she might find.
Georges appeared on Fox News to explain what happened.
"So, they had tried to do, basically, their own protest and not change in front of the student. So they decided one day to just not wear their PE clothes."
The next day, the girls’ peaceful protest, one might say their First Amendment right, was met with backlash from the school administration.

"Cathy Van Treese, who is the assistant principal, called each girl individually, multiple girls individually, one by one to see who started this, what had happened. They all got brought into the office. That same day, the assistant Superintendent Joanna Ford, Cathy Van Treese, and multiple other teachers came into the locker room and made the girls change into their PE clothes."
The news outlet Reduxx added that Director for Student Services Ginger Logemann also monitored the locker room changing.
This went on all week, Georges told Fox News.
Georges says the school is violating President Donald Trump's executive order banning men in women's private spaces. Executive orders do not override state laws.
Fox News anchor Sandra Smith pointed out her team contacted the school for clarity, for comment, for anything, but she said they have gotten no response.
"I had asked the teachers, I said, you know, why is this happening? Nobody is giving me any kind of response. The only suggestion that they had was to move my daughter into a different PE class. I said ‘no, my daughter is not moving classes. She's not doing anything. The only thing that she is doing is she's not going to change for the remainder of the year. She's not changing her schedule, she's not doing anything else, because she did nothing wrong. That locker room is for them.’"
Georges spoke against this at a school board meeting where pro-transgender activists – people who came into Deerfield for this meeting – attacked her beliefs.
The room was filled with activists for transgenderism, Fox News reported.
Verbal attacks at board meeting
In a Fox montage of trans activists, these were the arguments put forth: “Trans students are not a threat, they're kids like all kids, who doesn't deserve dignity, respect, and the opportunity to thrive. The claim that girls were forced to change in front of a boy isn't just misleading, it's a deliberate misrepresentation. Transgender people have always existed and will always exist, and we need to make our spaces safe for them.”
Georges said the board allowed her to be verbally attacked.
“Most of these people were not even from our area. They were so disrespectful. They called me a white supremacist. They called me transphobic. I sat there poised, didn’t say a word to anybody. I got attacked the entire night by them."