Georgia State U. backtracks quickly after chasing evangelist away from student encounter

Georgia State U. backtracks quickly after chasing evangelist away from student encounter

Georgia State U. backtracks quickly after chasing evangelist away from student encounter

Officials at Georgia State University have been taught a lesson about the free speech rights of Christians.

Evangelist Stephen Atkerson was sharing his Christian faith with a student with whom he’d had multiple conversations previously.

Attorney Nate Kellum of First Liberty said the trouble began when they moved into a campus dining area to get out of the rain.

"The student affairs director at GSU, along with three armed police officers arrive and interrupt and completely end the conversation informing Mr. Atkerson that he had to go back to this free speech zone or he would have to face consequences."

Kellum, Nate (First Liberty Inst) Kellum

In response, First Liberty sent a letter to Georgia State officials reminding them about the First Amendment.

"I think what was really helpful here is to remind the university officials that Mr. Atkerson, just like everyone else, has First Amendment rights including on their campus."

First Liberty reports the university quickly backtracked on their free speech restrictions.

Now Atkerson will be allowed to speak with students who invite him to discuss his faith.