Conservatives -- if they're there -- keep quiet on high-profile campuses in North Carolina

Conservatives -- if they're there -- keep quiet on high-profile campuses in North Carolina

Conservatives -- if they're there -- keep quiet on high-profile campuses in North Carolina

New reports show there is a disproportionate number of Democratic professors in the two most prominent public universities in North Carolina. Not just disproportionate, but quite overbearing, according to research from The College Fix.

The team reports finding that six humanities departments at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and seven humanities departments at North Carolina State University all have zero identifiable Republican professors.

Matt Lamb is Associate Editor for The College Fix. He tells AFN this is concerning.

"There are few, if any, identified Republican professors in departments that specifically relate to politics, such as philosophy, history and political science. In both cases, The College Fix reached out to professors who lead these departments and asked for comment and if they might be interested in looking further into this situation.

"What's worth noting is that they either weren't interested or didn't respond even about just simply looking into why there might be disparities," Lamb reports. "It may be because of discrimination, it may be because simply no conservatives apply, although that would raise other questions; but there was really no interest from even looking further into this issue."

Off the record and off the grid

Lamb notes there was one anonymous professor who's reply really stood out.

Lamb, Matt (The College Fix) Lamb

"At UNC Chapel Hill, the College Fix spoke to one professor who did not want to be identified as a conservative publicly because they feared the backlash if other people at the university knew about their views. I think that should be very concerning for UNC Chapel Hill, that one of their professors is worried about sharing their views on any number of conservative issues and that they feel like they would get backlash just for being a Republican.

“I do think this warrants further investigation by UNC Chapel Hill."

Lamb said there are positive things in the works at UNC Chapel hill, though.

He said the institution has a good new leader in Chancellor Lee Roberts, and that they have some good progress with its school of civic life that's looking to restore quality higher education and knowledge about civics and politics.

But Lamb added there is room for improvement.