The SJP wrote in a recent social media post, "True divestment necessitates nothing short of the total collapse of the university structure and American empire itself."
That post has since been deleted for unknown reasons.
The post drew quick condemnation from another group, Students Supporting Israel.
“SJP has openly supported the Oct. 7 attack on Israel and over the past decade broke every rule on our universities,” SSI leaders said in a statement.
Zachary Marschall is Editor in Chief for Campus Reform.
He said in effect, when people tell you their intentions, don’t just write them off.

"When we hear what they want and what they are trying to do, let's believe them. That's the mistake a lot of the left is making."
At the start of the school year, NSJP called for students to continue the disruption of American campuses which made national news last spring.
“Last school year, the Student Movement for Palestine showed the world what we’re capable of,” group leaders wrote in an Instagram post. “University repression will not stop us. Draconian speech codes will not stop us.”
NSJP has multiple chapters on campuses across the U.S.
"The National Students for Justice in Palestine wants the eradication of America. They want the overthrow of western civilization, and what makes this unfortunately unprecedented is that they're also asking for incentives like extra credit to be given to students that participate in anti-Israel or pro-Hamas rallies on campuses, and this is something that professors did last fall. Campus Reform covered it,” Marschall said.
Calls for Intifada
According to the Jerusalem Post, National Students for Justice in Palestine was founded in the mid-1990's. One of its founders is now a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
He reportedly called this year for an intifada in the USA. The Arabic word Intifada translates to “uprising.”
“So we are trying at Campus Reform to show through our reporting and demonstrate that this is not just political activism. It goes deeper than that, and it is a true intent and part of these organizations and students to try and overthrow American values and our civilization."