Will professors give you extra 'A' for joining 'River to the Sea' chant?

Will professors give you extra 'A' for joining 'River to the Sea' chant?

Will professors give you extra 'A' for joining  'River to the Sea' chant?

A radical anti-Jewish student group wants college students to get extra credit for putting on a keffiyeh and encouraging an Intifada against Israel.

The suggestion from Students for Justice in Palestine, first reported by Campus Reform, is directed at college and university professors with a variety of suggested ways to show support. Some ideas include extra credit for attending a talk on “Palestine solidarity” or getting extra credit for joining an FJP chapter on campus.

Justin Choi, a UCLA student and Campus Reform reporter, tells AFN it’s sad to watch antisemitism become normalized on college campuses.

To understand how radical the idea is, he says, just imagine if students were offered extra credit to support Israel and its against Hamas.

“Had it been the other way around where, and these professors offered extra credit to students who attended anti-Palestine protests,” he says, “there would have been riots outside and another wave of encampments, honestly.”

Campus Reform has not learned of a university approving the idea yet, which SJP made in an X post three weeks ago, but Choi predicts it will catch on.

“A lot of them are probably going to do it,” he says, “because a lot of these universities have been very weak when it comes to antisemitism.”