More silent celebrations exposed

More silent celebrations exposed

More silent celebrations exposed

Another school district has been caught concealing its LGBTQ+ indoctrination from parents.

Tony Kinnett, investigative columnist for The Daily Signal who has researched this topic in districts nationwide, says schools in The Centennial State are especially egregious when it comes to keeping parents in the dark about left-wing activism.

"In places like Colorado, which are actively purple and there's a lot of political contention, it seems that these schools are hiding things …  waiting for the storm to blow over, and then continuing as normal," he observes.

In this case, on April 19, Campus Middle School in Greenwood Village required staff to show a video and distribute worksheets and a list of activities encouraging students to participate in the LGBTQ+ "Day of Silence."

Kinnett, Tony (The Daily Signal) Kinnett

Campus Middle School is part of the Cherry Creek School District, which serves over 53,000 students in Greenwood Village across 67 buildings. In February, Cherry Creek High School in that same district encouraged teachers via newsletter to "dismantle systems of oppression."

"Ally organizations like Parents Defending Education have done a lot of work to expose districts around the country that are encouraging or requiring political advocacy and activism," Kinnett notes.

He asserts that Cherry Creek is joined by hundreds of other districts in engaging in such subterfuge.