As colleges across the country have begun punishing students who get arrested at on-campus Gaza solidarity encampments, the students want immunity from disciplinary actions like losing tuition, being suspended, being unable to graduate, being banned from dining halls, and more.
At issue is whether universities and law enforcement will clear the charges and withhold other consequences, or whether the suspensions and legal records will follow the students into their adult lives.

"I have a lot of thoughts on the matter, but I'll say that I think it's just a sign of entitlement, truly of rewarding bad behavior and allowing it to really take place," responds Sophia Witt of Students Supporting Israel (SSI).
As people are beginning to wake up and realize that their actions have consequences, she says they are getting nervous. She does not want to incriminate anyone, but she thinks the universities should have cracked down on these students a long time ago.
"You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes," Witt contends. "You don't get to act poorly and expect no consequence. I think that institutions have been a little bit lackadaisical in holding students accountable."
She suggests some of that is organized and argues that suspension from school is not a severe enough punishment.
Throughout all of this, Witt says SSI, the national name for a unified front of Zionist students, has remained "free-standing in our beliefs and morals."