Gay quit in January after critics dug up numerous examples of plagiarism from scholarly work that helped her become a Harvard dean. After the briefest presidential search in the school’s history, she was hired as Harvard’s first black president only to step down after only six months in the top position.
After being forced out of the president’s office, she will now teach a graduate-level class called “Reading and Research” in the fall, according to a story by The College Fix.
Matt Lamb, associate editor for The College Fix, tells AFN the graduate course appears to be an independent study, or directed study, not a classroom setting.
“But it's helping a student or a group of students write a longer paper,” he explains, “or do a specific research project on one of their interests."

Plagiarism is a huge non-no in academia among scholars and researchers, who risk expulsion for stealing other people’s work, but Gay was accused of almost 50 examples of stealing other people's scholarly work by the time she stepped down in disgrace.
Gay’s classroom topic, Lamb says, is drenched in irony.
“If a student is to plagiarize in her class, it would create problems for the university,” he says. “How would she have a student punished for doing something that she did and ended up being the president of the university?"