Failure seems to be the standard

Failure seems to be the standard

Failure seems to be the standard

A new report shows that Connecticut's social studies standards fail to achieve the fundamental goal of educating students.

David Randall, research director for the National Association of Scholars, authored "Disowned Yankees: How Connecticut's Social Studies Standards Shortchange Students," the report providing a detailed critique of the Connecticut Elementary and Secondary Social Studies Standards (2023).

For one thing, he says the standards do not teach Connecticut's children what freedom is because those putting them together are committed leftists.

Randall, David (NAS) Randall

"They are written by people deeply committed to the diversity, equity, and inclusion ideology – critical race theory," he notes. "They've probably convinced themselves that this is what professional standards should be."

And Randall asserts that Connecticut is not the only state dealing with corruption in this area.

"In every state, there are radical advocates working to worsen the social studies standards," he tells AFN. "They've succeeded in places like Connecticut, Rhode Island, Minnesota, [and] the District of Columbia. They've tried and been repulsed in South Dakota, Virginia, and Louisiana."

The researcher warns that those education departments that adapt their curricula to these standards will see immediate and harmful effects.