Millions of students opening school book at home after Christmas break

Millions of students opening school book at home after Christmas break

Millions of students opening school book at home after Christmas break

The new year means students are headed back to school after the Christmas holiday season, and a record number of those kids are opening up a school book at home after the Christmas tree came down.

As parents continue to deal with problems in the liberal-dominated public school system, many have decided to homeschool their kids. That trend really took off during the coronavirus lockdowns in 2020, when schools shut down and “remote learning” sent tens of millions of students home.

Estrada, Will (HSLDA) Estrada

Will Estrada, senior counsel with the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, says about two million children were homeschooled before 2020. Those numbers have remained high ever since.

“The incredible thing has been,” he tells AFN, “that so many parents and students got a taste of the freedom and opportunities that homeschooling offers, and they never looked back.”

AFN recently reported the popularity of homeschooling is getting attention from the Left, such as a Washington Post analysis. It found the number of homeschooled students has doubled and even tripled in some states, and now numbers anywhere from 1.9 million to 2.7 million in all.

says Home School Legal Defense hears from parents on a daily basis, whose children are in public schools, and they are determined to try home schooling but have lots of questions to get started.

On its website, HSLDA has a “Teaching My Kids” tab that helps parents get started doing just that.

"More and more parents are saying, ‘We tried homeschooling, we liked it, and we're going to continue it,' so that's what we expect for the year ahead,” he says.