Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is representing Mid Vermont Christian School and two families in the case that legal counsel Jake Reed says is about one thing: The state's history of discriminating against religious schools.
The lawsuit was filed after the private Christian school was excluded from the state's tuition program and athletic association over a basketball game earlier this year. The Bible teaches that God created men as men and women as women, and that that is immutable, so the school did not comply with the state-mandated notion that sex is mutable and that biological differences do not matter.

"The school was set to face off against a transgender athlete last February in girls' basketball. This was a girls' basketball … tournament, and the other team had a biological boy on that team," Reed details. "The school didn't want to facilitate an event that would tell the world that boys can in fact be girls, because they don't believe as such."
Mid Vermont respectfully forfeited that game.
"In response, Vermont's athletic association, the Vermont Principles Association, completely expelled Mid Vermont Christian from all athletics and activities -- not just girls' basketball, but everything," the attorney reports.
The lawsuit was just filed last month, so Reed says it is still in stage one. But the ultimate aim is to defend Christians' First Amendment rights.