To Linda Harvey, president of Mission America, the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) made its agenda obvious at their recent meeting in Columbus, Ohio -- a state where eighth grade reading proficiency in its largest cities is well below 50%.

For one thing, the English convention was given a Spanish name: "Conexiones 2023." And with an appearance by liberal actor Tom Hanks and pro-LGBTQ sponsors like Scholastic, she has no doubt that the 25,000-member organization has made propaganda part of its professional development.
"This group is a hypocritical disgrace," she recently wrote. "I join many others in shame that our city hosted this 'education' group."
"They really want children to hate Western civilization, to hate America, to deconstruct every traditional norm of sexuality and gender," Harvey tells AFN. "That is the main focus of this group."
Most of the meeting, she says, was a "downhill slide into cultural Marxist/racist/LGBTQ claptrap" and defending so-called banned books.
"There were a few sane presentations on things like phonics and reading, but most of it was a far-left progressive agenda and the urgency and the encouragement of all of these folks to turn children into activists," Harvey details.
This, she warns, will ultimately harm America's children and college students.