They contacted MassResistance in August after discovering a number of sexually explicit or otherwise obscene books were on the shelves at their kids' schools. In September, and again in October, the parents practically filled the room at school board meetings and made themselves heard.
Then on November 3rd, the pro-family organization was notified that "more books have now been permanently removed" from the Kenosha Unified School District.
"There's a lot of news out there right now about the content that's in our children's books, in particular Scholastic," notes Trent Talbot, founder and CEO of BRAVE Books. "What's not really discussed is why it's so important and why it's so devastating, this depraved content that our kids are reading."
In his search for wholesome books for his own family as a new dad, Talbot was alarmed to find the progressive agenda in so many modern children's books. So, he decided to quit his career in ophthalmology to start the publishing company.
He does not think most people realize how impactful books can be.

"I came across a study [of] about 140 undergraduate students who were asked to either read 'Twilight' or 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' for 30 minutes. The readers of a few chapters of 'Harry Potter' rated themselves higher than other people in their ability to move things with their mind — you know, telekinesis," Talbot relays. "Readers of a few chapters of 'Twilight' believed that their teeth were longer than the general population, like vampires."
That study, he submits "tells us that when you read a story, you're transported into another world. You identify with the character. You take on their reality. You take on their identity."
With that in mind, he thinks the Wisconsin parents were right to protest the inclusion of materials like "This Book is Gay," "Boy Toy," and "Blue is the Warmest Color" in their district's public schools.
He encourages parents to stay vigilant.