Erin Lee's 12-year-old daughter had asked for – and received – permission from home to attend the meeting. But the mom told Fox News that as soon as the daughter was picked up afterwards, "we could see on her face that something was incredibly wrong." In a video posted by Fox News, Lee explains it wasn't an art club. "It was GSA, or Gender and Sexuality [Alliance] is what they're calling it now," she shares.
According to the 12-year-old, the guest presenter at the meeting immediately told students about puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, talked about polyamorous relationships, and cautioned them that their parents may not be "safe" people to turn to. The presenter was from SPLASH Youth of Northern Colorado.

AFN talked with Pam Benigno with the Denver-based Independence Institute. "When an adult tells a child that they are 'safe' to talk to but your parents are not, that sounds like something a sexual predator would say to a child," says the director of the Institute's Education Policy Center.
According to the girl's mother, the primary rule shared by the presenter was "What you hear in here, you keep in here." Lee also reports that if a student didn't know who they are sexually attracted to (when asked in a survey), they were told "that means you're queer."
Students reportedly were also told heterosexuality and monogamy were not "normal," but just "common" … that it's okay to lie to parents about where they are for this and future programming … and that if they are not comfortable in their biological sex, they must be transgender.
"It's unthinkable that a person would tell vulnerable children that if they are not comfortable in their bodies – and these children were 12 years old – that they must be transgender," Benigno states. "This caused two girls emotional harm to the point that the parents are now suing the school district."
Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is representing the families in this case.
Editor's note: Image above is not from the meeting described in this article.