Earlier this month, federal circuit judge Kyle Duncan was invited to speak at Stanford Law School at the invitation of the Federalist Society chapter there. His speech was quickly interrupted, however, by a disruptive mob organized and led by Tirien Steinbach, the law school’s associate dean of diversity, who was later put on leave over the incident.
Adam Guillette, of Accuracy in Media, tells AFN his group was grateful Stanford punished Steinbach and now AIM wants her fired for her action. Doing so, he says, sends a warning to every university Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion faculty member who attacks their political opponents in the name of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“I would encourage every university, and particularly every K through 12 school,” Guillete says, “to get rid of equity officers and to get rid of these divisive, fascist DEI positions.”
Judge Duncan unwittingly let the diversity dean take over the podium to restore order in the classroom. Instead, with a prepared speech in front of her, she happily lectured the federal judge about why the crazed crowd was opposing him.
“I had to write something down because I am so uncomfortable up here,” Steinbach, who appeared quite comfortable ripping into Judge Duncan, began. “I'm uncomfortable because this event is tearing at the fabric of this community that I care about, and I'm here to support."
What was an otherwise well-organized mob attack failed in one key way: Someone recorded video of the incident. If the university officials at Stanford were jurors, the jury saw evidence their own law school students mocked and threatened a federal judge. They also saw their own dean claim she supported free speech but also not-so-subtly suggest Judge Duncan should leave to appease the mob.
“Is the juice worth the squeeze?” she asked at one point. “Is this worth it?”
To his credit, Judge Duncan didn't lay down after realizing what happened. He immediately called for Steinbach to be fired for what he called a "bizarre therapy session from Hell." He also likened the student mob that shouted him down to a Maoist “struggle session,” referring to Mao Zedong's expectation of unwavering obedience that was enforced by his murderous Red Guards.
Federalist Society students threatened by classmates
Even after the unfair treatment Judge Duncan received, Guillette tells AFN he was angered when a Stanford faculty member asked the Federalist Society students to remain quiet about the incident. A story by the Washington Free Beacon identified that faculty member as Michael McConnell, who is described by the Beacon as the “lone conservative” on the law school faculty. In an email about speaking to the media, he told the conservative students “not to speak out of anger and not to exacerbate the already tense situation.”
“They immediately claimed to support free speech," Guillette complains, “yet told the students from the club that they should stay quiet over the next few weeks. The hypocrisy is morally outrageous.”
On the Stanford campus, however, those same Federalist Society students saw their faces and names used on flyers (pictured at left) to denounce them for inviting Judge Duncan. That bullying intimidation tactic was done by the law school’s communist National Lawyers Guild chapter, the Beacon said.
Guillette, tired of watching the communists win and their victims cower, says AIM is tracking down and identifying the law school students who joined the mob that day. AIM aims to tell others what they did.
“That includes friends, family, future employers,” he vows. “The world deserves to know who these horrible fascist perpetrators are.”