Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) reports that late last year, 16-year-old Josh Alexander of Pembroke, Ontario was suspended from St. Joseph Catholic High School for stating in class that there is no transgender, that God created only male and female.
Along with other concerned students, Alexander organized a school protest after the school administration ignored his concerns. But last November, two days before the scheduled event, he was suddenly suspended.
When he tried attending class on February 6, he was subsequently suspended again and arrested for trespassing. He has since been released but remains barred from attending classes through the end of the school year.
"Josh had said this in part not only to express his beliefs in the discussion on the topic, but also because female students had told him, had confided in him that they felt uncomfortable and unsafe with that school's policy of letting biological males into the girls' washrooms with them," Fonseca relays.
Alexander has hired an attorney and is following the legal path to be heard. He is being represented by the law firm Liberty Coalition Canada and plans to file a human rights complaint for violation of his religious freedom.

"Initially, he tried to keep it local," says Fonseca. "The lawyer tried to have a hearing through a school board committee to hear an appeal to their decision to suspend him from school, and they rejected that. So at this moment, he has filed a complaint against the school with the Ontario Human Rights Commission."
The CLC spokesman notes that the problem is the Commission is stacked with LGBT+ activists who are appointed by left-wing politicians, so he does not expect Alexander will get a fair hearing there.
"Probably his legal action will have to be kicked up to a real court and not this kangaroo court called the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal."
While the school claims Alexander's actions amount to bullying, the student maintains that was never his intention. He sympathizes with fellow students who are confused about their gender, but he takes issue with the system that, in his view, encourages misbehavior.
"There's a lot of people who hate me, but at the same time, I don't really care," he said in an interview last month. "I did what I believe was right, what was right before God. So at the end of the day, I'm happy with that."