Linda Harvey of Mission America points out that today's students are tomorrow's leaders, and Americans' tax dollars are helping pay for schools that are supposed to be preparing students for tomorrow.
"Everybody has a stake in this," she asserts.

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich, a former school board member in Florida, says her organization is training members to hold school boards accountable.
"As soon as they get elected, something changes," she observes. "So we absolutely plan on holding them accountable.

Harvey also recommends that people establish relationships with and regularly contact their local school board members. And if possible, they should consider running for school board themselves.
"Become educated, and be that voice," she urges.
Where Harvey is in Ohio, she says more people are now involved than she has ever seen in her 25 years of covering the issue.
"I am very happy about this," Harvey tells AFN. "But we always need more people."