reports the Mankato Area school board passed a policy providing additional funds for minority teachers who mentor their minority colleagues, claiming they can feel isolated and lonely among white teachers. The board voted to amend district policy so that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) teachers only may receive "additional stipends" to become mentors to BIPOC colleagues.

Project 21's Marie Fischer calls it reverse racism.
"Because you were born one way, you're getting more money than the other? Isn't that what the Civil Rights Movement was going against all these years," she poses. "It's like we've taken steps back."
Fischer surmises this wrongheaded policy could lead to teacher shortages, even among white liberals who agree with the policy.
"For example, if you're a Caucasian teacher and you know you're not going to get a higher pay just because you're white, why would you teach there," Fischer wonders. "Why would you even try?"
The new policy will also provide funds for "placing American Indian educators at sites with other American Indian educators and educators of color at sites with other educators of color."