If it becomes law, House Bill 1332 would put curriculum on school websites to give parents the ability to easily see what their children are learning. The measure, first introduced in early May and sponsored by Republican State Representative Andrew Lewis, would amend the state's existing Public School Code by adding the following section:
"For the 2021-2022 school year and each school year thereafter, a school entity shall post all curriculum offered by the school entity on its publicly accessible Internet website and update the curriculum information each time new or revised curriculum is used by the school entity. The information provided by the school entity under this section shall include an Internet link or title for every textbook used by the school entity."
The curriculum transparency bill applies to all schools in Pennsylvania – public, private, and parochial.
Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania says Democrats resent what the bill implies.

"Too many times, the Democrats – the leftists – are just used to getting away with everything," she tells AFN, "and they want to put up as many barriers as possible to prevent parents from knowing what's going on [in the classroom]."
Democrats argue that the bill puts too much additional pressure on teachers by requiring them to collect, collate, and post all materials – and then to keep those materials updated.
The legislation passed in the House three weeks ago on a 110-89 party line vote. After being referred by the Education Committee last week (again, on a party line vote), it now awaits a vote before the Pennsylvania Senate. Although the bill is likely to pass, Gramley doubts Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, will sign it.
"Teachers unions which supported him in his reelection a couple years ago … will place such pressure on him that he will veto the bill," she predicts. "That's my gut feeling."
According to The Epoch Times, the Pennsylvania School Board Association also opposes the bill.