According to Campus Reform, Penn State's College of Education is working to push "social justice" and so-called "anti-racism" into every aspect of education systems. It has announced a number of objectives and action items in a five-year strategic plan that Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania says is to ensure that students are literate in "social justice" and "climate change."

"They will … continue to destroy the public education system through the teachers that they will produce, that they'll be graduating from their college of education," Gramley warns.
The school, she says, also plans to hire faculty and staff from underrepresented groups, "particularly people of color."
"Apparently, the first criteria will be having the right color," Gramley gathers. "Your skin has to be the right color in order to even be considered to be on the faculty of the School of Education at Penn State."
The school, however, claims the objective is to bring the curriculum and faculty "into alignment with progressive values."