The controversial program is called "3Rs," which stands for “rights, respect and responsibility,” but critics at Richfield Public Schools are saying it should include “I” for “indoctrination.”
Fox News describes that role-playing scenario in its own story about the controversy:
In one of the lessons, a student is asked to pretend to be a male named "Morgan" who is "very active" in his school's LGBTQ club, while another student is asked to be "Terence," a student who wants to have sex with "Morgan" and is not publicly out as gay.
The authors of that 3Rs lesson, anticipating backlash from straight males, instruct the teacher to address any “homophobic comments” that are made and warn the offenders that is not being "respectful."
Linda Harvey of Mission: America says the key to understanding the radical indoctrination is learning the group behind the “3Rs” curriculum is Advocates for Youth, which is in partnership with Planned Parenthood.
"The idea of forcing kids, manipulating them emotionally,” she says, “to role-play as if they are homosexual or gender-confused kids is completely reckless and outrageous."

According to Harvey, this type of perverse sex-education has been going on for years, hidden from watchful parents, but she says parents have become less naïve and more watchful now that the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the left-wing propaganda being taught to vulnerable children.
It is not clear from the Fox News story how the “3Rs” came to light but a group called Child Protection League attended a Richfield School Board meeting, where members of the group denounced the explicit program that includes sex-ed for kindergarteners. In one of those lessons for those most innocent of children, teachers are directed to call girls “a person with a vulva.”
"This hyper-scrutiny of parents,” Harvey says, “is now bringing to light some of the outrageous sexuality education, which has been going on for a while, that parents really need to get out of their school."