During its meeting last week, a Virginia school board was bombarded with graphic sexual content when an upset parent quoted from two books she found in her child's high school library.
The "award-winning" books Stacy Langton found had content so graphic and disturbing it would be illegal to sell in bookstores. Both books talk about homosexual relations – one between a man and a young boy – and both had pornographic illustrations to go along with the story.
Langton decided her school board needed to know about the books "Gender Queen" and "Lawn Boy." So, last week she went to a board meeting and read aloud some graphic passages found in the books. "[They] are actually so much worse than I ever would have imagined. So much worse," she told them.
When she began to read, the school board tried to stop her.
Langton: "This is not an oversight at Fairfax High School."
Board member: "There are children in the audience here."
Langton: "Do not interrupt my time …. Pornography is offensive to all people. It is offensive to common decency."
Daniel Weiss, founder of Brushfires Foundation, contends there's an evil agenda at work in America's public schools.

"These books are written – and they're certainly intentionally put in a school library – as a way of normalizing this behavior," he tells AFN. "So, what does that tell you about the motivations of those who are writing this and those who are putting them in the school libraries?"
He answers his own question: "I think they're pushing for full normalization of child/adult sex, as they call it – [but] we would call it rape and child molestation and sexual abuse."
The former senior analyst with Focus on the Family says it won't end until parents take charge of school boards. "This kind of agenda-driven politics in school boards is not going to stop until good people run for and are voted into school board positions," he states.
According to the Associated Press report, the two books were previous winners of the American Library Association's Alex Awards (2020, 2019), which each year recognize "ten books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults ages 12 through 18."