Despite the school lockdowns that began last year, Cecily Myart-Cruz, the head of United Teachers of Los Angeles, says, "There's no such thing as learning loss." Instead of learning math over the past year and a half, she boasts that students have learned survival skills, the difference between a riot and a protest, and the meanings of "insurrection" and "coup."

"I think this is definitely a show of how powerful and important the teachers unions are in America," responds David Almasi, vice president of the National Center for Public Policy Research. "We need to have school reform. Everyone's tax dollars are all paying into this school system that this woman thinks she can control."
Almasi believes the home-based online learning opened the eyes of many parents to just how political public education is.
"Parents with their kids on lockdown have discovered the teachers are reveling in their politics rather than retreating on it like they should be," The National Center vice president submits. "It's a clear, present danger to our kids and to our country."
According to, Myart-Cruz plans to politicize everything with the classroom experience and to fight school reopenings unless accompanied by changes that she claims will address systemic racism.