Kevin Roberts is CEO of the Texas Public Policy Foundation and a former history professor at The University of Texas. Roberts asserts that state and federal leaders have ignored constitutional principles, causing an imbalance in America's three-branch system of government.
"The situation we're facing is dire. We have to read reality truthfully," he tells AFN. "But I can also say equally honestly that there are really good plans in the works to fight back – and I think that we're going to win."
Roberts explains that a coalition of other like-minded organizations are advocating for the reintroduction of constitutionally based curriculum into public classrooms.

"Many of us, including those of us at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, see education reform – both at the K-12 level and at the college level – as the key to this," he shares.
"We have to fight all of the other policy debates, whether that be the immigration crisis, religious liberty, taxation – but the real key thing is for us to be focused on education."
Roberts – who started his own K-12 school and served as president of a private Catholic college in Wyoming – also sees Christians and conservative parents as allies who will push back against Marxist ideology in schools. He wrote recently of two pieces of state legislation he contends would safeguard students from such ideologies – like critical race theory.
"Critical race theorists believe America's institutions and all her societal norms are embedded with racism, which is an abject lie," Roberts writes. "… CRT reverses the decades of gains we have made since [Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's] prophetic words in 1963. It is evil and, speaking as a historian, absolutely wrong historically."
The two bills of which he wrote are the "Partisanship Out of Civics Act" (HB 3979) and SB 3 (as yet unnamed).