Heritage Action's Noah Weinrich recently told the "Sandy Rios in the Morning" program that just a few days ago, the National Education Association (NEA) adopted several business items at its annual meeting.
"Members voted to … spend hundreds of thousands or more to, in their words, promote a campaign to spread critical race theory, to teach teachers CRT, [and] to develop curriculum based on critical race theory," Weinrich explained. "They call it anti-racist education, but in the NEA's own words, this is all about critical race theory."
Heritage Action discovered the NEA had deleted all of their business items to cover this up as people throughout the country are realizing that this multi-million-member union was coordinating a nationwide campaign to force critical race theory into classrooms.

OneNewsNow reached out to NEA for comment and did not hear back by press time.
"Even though they covered it up, took things off their website, thankfully we have backups of everything," Weinrich told Rios. "They've also announced an attack campaign against opponents of critical race theory, and they actually name The Heritage Foundation in one of their business items."
As explained by EDWeek.org, the website for Education Week®, CRT is "an academic concept that is more than 40 years old [where] the core idea is that race is a social construct and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies."
In June, Heritage Action, which is the politically active arm of The Heritage Foundation, launched an e-book urging parents and other citizens to reject CRT.
"It defines you as either the oppressor or the oppressed," Lindsey Curnutte, press secretary of Heritage Action, has told OneNewsNow. "Sometimes they'll call it a diversity, equity, and inclusion program, or even anti-racist teaching, but that's quite the opposite."