The woke Left is holding fast to what's left

The woke Left is holding fast to what's left

The woke Left is holding fast to what's left

The Trump administration may be winning battles against woke policies, but the war is far from over.

Auron MacIntyre of The Blaze recently told American Family Radio that the Democratic Party and the political Left are still holding fast to wokeness.

MacIntyre, Auron (Blaze TV) MacIntyre

"We just had The New York Times cut a piece about what a tragedy it is that Donald Trump is walking away from trans kids," he noted. "We've had different representatives on the House floor talking about how white people are the problem. Over at CNN, you get anchors still spouting that stuff."

The story is somewhat different with corporations. While many big names have done away with or made changes to their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, MacIntyre said there has not been a complete shift to corporate neutrality.

Nike's Super Bowl message to female athletes is an example of that.

"It's great that we're not getting trans athletes in our feminist ad, but … we're still getting an ad that pretends like women are being oppressed and it's so important for all these women to break out of the mold and be as selfish as possible and promote themselves as much as possible," the columnist observed.

So though the momentum is headed in the right direction, he asserted, "There's still a lot of work to do there."