FL students get copy of sacred document for Constitution Day

FL students get copy of sacred document for Constitution Day

FL students get copy of sacred document for Constitution Day

A patriotic man is proving he can make a difference, with some help from fellow patriots and a religious liberty law firm.

In celebration of Constitution Day, which is today, public school students in Florida have received a pocket Constitution. Approximately 45,000 pocket Constitutions were distributed to students in Polk County Public Schools, according to the group Citizens Defending Freedom.

Danny Kreuger, a member of HighPoint Church, is leading the initiative after personally distributing pocket Constitutions for more than a decade.

Kreuger tells AFN he got some big help from Liberty Counsel, when he inquired about getting his hands on their copies of the famous document.  

“I said I wanted 100 of them," he says of the phone call. "The lady said, 'What are you going to do with 100 of them?' I said I give them away. She said, ‘Let me get back to you.’”

A few days later, Liberty Counsel informed Kreuger he was getting 100 copies in the mail if he could cover the $15 shipping fee. He jumped on that offer and began contacting local schools with a plan to pass them out to students.

When Kreuger contacted Liberty Counsel for another order, this time 2,500, he received those free of charge. That wiped out their inventory, he says.

Looking for another source, Kreuger learned the National Center for Constitutional Studies has plenty of copies at 42 cents per copy. So he started making calls and raised nearly $19,000 to pay for them.