Trail Life, Cameron team up to stand in void for 'unguided' boys in America

Trail Life, Cameron team up to stand in void for 'unguided' boys in America

Trail Life, Cameron team up to stand in void for 'unguided' boys in America

Kirk Cameron is partnering up with Trail Life USA in its mission to call men and families to action.

That action has to do with raising the next generation of boys.

Trail Life USA is a Christian Scouting organization. You can think of it as an alternate version of the Boy Scouts, a version with a focus on building godly character and values.

Mark Hancock is CEO of Trail Life USA. 

"You know, we run into Kirk a lot out in the field. We speak at a lot of the same conventions and share a lot of the same values. We’ve talked about how it is that we can work together to make a difference in the next generation. Of course, he's been doing his American campfire revival for a while. We’ve paired up with Kirk to support him in his American campfire revival efforts."

He said in effect that Trail Life USA and Cameron both carry the same torch.

Putting Bible back in scouting

Together they work at “restoring some of the biblical values that our country is known for."

Hancock said Trail Life USA is in all fifty states.

Cameron, Kirk Cameron

"We have over sixty-thousand members and over 1200 churches meeting on a weekly basis, taking boys into the outdoors and exposing them to opportunities for character and leadership and adventure in the company of good and godly men."

He said his team is convicted about how it is that boys have been served over the last number of decades.

Shifting of BSA opens door for Trail Life

Many see Trail Life USA as filling a void. Critics of Boy Scouts of America say the better-known organization has drifted from its original mission. In May Boy Scouts of America announced it will remove “boy” from its name just months from now.

Hancock, Mark (Trail Life USA) Hancock

“Now boys, they're largely unguided. One in four are without a father in the household. They're ungrounded. Fifty-eight percent of Americans no longer believe the Bible is the foundation for truth, and these boys are wondering about the ground they stand on. Boys are largely unappreciated in this gender-blurring culture. Boys and girls are interchangeable in a lot of people's minds, and we happen to know that boys and girls are different,” Hancock says.

Hancock also pointed out that boys are largely uninspired in our culture today.

"We've taken away risk and competition, and those sorts of things that drive boys, and so we're restoring those things to the efforts of Trail Life USA and working together with Kirk Cameron to talk about these ideals for how it is that you get good and godly men."