Media misses mark - Nation's largest police organization firmly behind Trump

Media misses mark - Nation's largest police organization firmly behind Trump

Media misses mark - Nation's largest police organization firmly behind Trump

Headlines across mainstream media trumpeted the same breaking news late last Friday: More than a hundred law enforcement officials are endorsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

The problem is those outlets buried the lead.

On the same day one hundred law enforcement personnel signed an open letter endorsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for president, Donald Trump gave a speech to and got an endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police.

Randy Sutton of The Wounded Blue says the media kind of missed the big story.

“Out of the 800,000 cops, there's a hundred that are coming out in support of Harris and Walz,” Sutton said.

The FOP, the nation’s oldest and largest police organization, said in its statement there is “zero doubt” that it stands behind a second Trump term, Fox News reported.

It’s the third time the organization has endorsed Trump.

Most of the media stories mentioned, without comment, that Trump had addressed the FOP. Sutton says any police officers that endorse the Democrat ticket have something other than their brothers and sisters in arms at the top of mind.

“Both of them have proven to be completely anti-law enforcement, to be completely anti-public safety. They're radical and they despise law enforcement,” Sutton says.

Walz' weak riot response

Walz presided over one of the most destructive riots in American history after the killing of George Floyd, only to call on the national guard far too late. Harris says she supports law enforcement, but not that long ago,

Sutton, Lt. Randy Sutton

she backed the defund the police movement that crippled the Thin Blue Line.

“Many agencies are down by up to a quarter of what their strength should be,” Sutton says.

Sutton says even if Donald Trump is elected in November, recovery from the damage of the past five or six years will take a long time to fix.

“There's no quick fix to this. This is like a massive ship that is going off course in law enforcement, and to get the ship turned around is going to take a generation because of all the damage that has been done.”